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Full text of "Richmond daily register (Richmond, Madison County, Ky.): 1922-01-04"

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1»M— 57thNcai ~No. 3 

<1 Country FinancMl Jguti- 

mces 0^ I lie- 
's of the'Btirky 
r s Co-opera' ^ I 
III' vi^'ious c- • ■'- 
:iade by a 'i. 
> in th' 'jVi. ' > 
. Presid«iit . 

'lat pro{;re>s \\<i- 
:iancing \ jm "I- 
"t Stone >aid: 
.'•ived others 

iber of the - 
inks aii'l it i- 

[Ijlch ^ivfu u> (luring the pr 
iitiarv i>erio-I of or^nizatioi 
\\v (I'uhl select i'h- ir.cii ' 
cliargc- itl the association 
ncss and <jf the property 
over to us hy the owntr 
warehouses. We are ih 
I>est \\e can to have the 
liouses <ipened for the r< 
ii>c t " > at the earliebt 
liiuincnt.*' ^ 


Senate Namss Comnti 
Hear Cooteat Case 
htm r%. Wi 

Richmond. Madison County, Ky. Wednesday, January 4, 1922 



Celerity Legislative Committee Has Bills 
Making Vital Changes In 

Broken For 
Is RosM' 

i rankfort. Ky,. Jan, 4 — A rcc 

i<! A as broken in the Kcntm ky: ' 
ci'.iiu- 'J uf-day. first of the r»22 ^' " 
i. ;) of llie (icMn-ral \>scinl)l\ . 

iMiki'ort. Jan- A — A -erie- of 
Itill-. c;irr\int; out the prin- 
cipal recummendalioii-' of the 

ulu n t!ie co-operative uiarketnii; Kentucky Education Swnrcy Com 
the benefit of the burlev'""'*^'"" reRarJ'nP the schools of 
growers «iLs introduced.' " ^ presented to 

4|.y .\.«M<>riat<-rt I'l 

I'rankfort. Ky.. Ja. 

^T'.'.v from \\'oodr"\v| 
than .in*; llic democrats 
the a— relation |<^„„„-|^y House for th 

ciit ii'ni on re.^uiulioi^ 

Imsi iess to \hc l>anl 
•i.r it. We l;ave ha^ 
all aUmg that l>ank< m 
I loinBiufiitie \\>i' 
aic of ^lia bu--i«.-s> an' 
Ts in inbst of tiu" couti- 
(jd tfieir coni i- hc ir 
Mient by advi^iwg grow • 
I the associa'ioil. It 
.e to us that iii>»v thi 
mv forward nd l< ml' 
itiei of their :i>^itiitioi - 
t-od|Mrnitive ni^rketinu 

""e working- a- raii^idly :i 
•n the deuii- tifat nm- 
le opeakfig ot tllie <\ai < - 

r €m reili>tioiji («f tii 

In' iivnj/bers o 
.e sball Ope! 
. as soon a- 
worked ot 
Made to- t'i 
■ •. ers on tiK 

act l.'i 
i tobaco 

printet:. referred to the commit- 

t.'c. r« >orte«i back to the Senate, 
and. ni.'der suspension of rules, 
ijiven Its lirsi readinj; in lull and 

t!u- < general .\sscfllbly this week, 
it was annomieeH here today by 


j Gncinnati. Jan. 4— Cattle qui t. 
!i<.t;s 25c lower; Chicajjo strong. 

i.ouisville, Jan. 4- Cattle M%). 
active; hogs 1.600, strong: Iiccp 
'50. stead}-: all unchanfjed. 

Weed From Lee, day, 

an*^ Rockcastia Brings Good 
Mmv To Growm 

■ ! Rain and much colder tonight: 

ila-urn K.-nincky t()l)acco. Thursday fair aii^ tolder; cold 

rai.-ed in I. re. I iay. Jack sun. wave. 
Kockca.stle and ll->ti!l, was pre- 
dominant on the tloor- of t!u 
Home narehiMi-r I ue>day. S- luc 
of the nicest leai seen this sea-' 
son wa*: from and Esl«!'n 
countic- one cr. ;i from l-.still' 
averagiujj 5U cents, one lasket of. 



Beloved Woman Peacefully 
To Sleep At Davm of Day 
— Funeral Thursday 

t anne>. 

i:it.«l !• 

!•' ranee. ]:iv t 

150 pottnis bringinij ^i) per bun 
tite l.ei;is!ati\ »• t onunittec ni tlie dred. i itbaccw i> coming to tiii: . 
Kentuckv l-ducation Association.! market Jro.n all over this section ^•'^^'^ '*"^"P« 'i- ^ 

i iie ni asnres inclu<le a bill of the stale, including Shelby. ""n"«^ ^smtegration and keep the 
iM ovidintf a bi-partisan Statej f larrison and .\ichola.s counties. Entente from falling apart are 
I'.fard of Ivlucation: aboliv/iingl Trices rtie>da\ were tirtn on all the big ta-K • nndert.-ik. i; ii» :c by 

I'retnier Lio\ d-( let .>! ( irtat 

de'ut.cratic cancits \va« | read' in 

•I.. I '.•Use lo(l.-!\. Ik- v ; I: it j^-avt- 



11 .la\ - 
l^er to 
•-hru it 

iiii -. veep plea.>ure ami i 
i-d Ills very warm i:r. i- 
added. '"I-'acii of ni\ 
in'\ r.iakes inc nion y 
-ci . > our i(reai party a;i i 
.;ni;vy and the worhl.* 

• l-i 1 lon^i- today - 'a les- 
ii;tiM 1 «), ( an la.. L.^ation 
if till* sending of tro'.p-iii. Xew- 

• l vvlieie a strike - • :i. 1 iie 
M .-i-urc now goes t«' i n- Jsenale. 

placed II the calendar. Todax. it 
iwilt itrivc second reading. ;ind the 

advancrd to the tirders of the davi., , . , ^..i i. ,. .„,,. w^n.i, i i 
, , -, , , .,, , ., ,- the "late texllM.ok luiuuiission .| urade 

.-ind "1! lln'r^dav will ix- ehj;n)le' , • i r , ' 

., , , .chans;nig rules for the certinca- 

l(»r ])a-sa"e in the uiiper i>ranch. i . - *^ , „, ,.f 

/I I, V- I . tn;!i c! teachers - amendment r»t 

\\ htle the Mouse, whieh receiv- , , . , ,,.„ . 

, . ., ,. , .!th(- c .Mitiulsorx ai.endauce law. 

ed a -:nnl:;!- nu-astire. ili'l !ioi act ' ' u-. i 

■ , - ■ , I.I (. c.-iiinu two whitf and one new 

with qiute su much celentv. being! , ."^ i ...... ..f ,- .- 

a mt,d, les. compact Im'kIv. nM!^-"'"'-'^^'' """." •'V ^^^^\:"l'P: 

time w:> l<Kt hi that bran.!, l"'"'^'- -'•"•/'^^ ^'^'"f ^^^^^ 
, , , • . , 1 . M l- for both pprties to nomi- 

and the bill was MitnMluced. i>rml, ' ■ ■ . • i 

I I .- • 1 » *i J- •* '"ate the satne can»IiMate tor 
ed. and referred to the I ummit- :*'"^ ^'"^ , 

I hi- com-""'" '" ^"l>«'''"'tP""""' • "icreasing 
the maximum trx rate for grad- 
' schools: increasing the salary 


l»rita n. and Bri.-uid t i |-'rance. 
who totlay began a series of pri- 
vate Conversations with the idva 
of la\ iiiy "tit .n i>rogram f • " 

tee on .\gricultrue. l in- com- 
mittee met after tiic Mouse ad 
joiirneii at J o'clock in after-j^*'. 
noon at t!ie Frankfort hotel, and!"' ^- 

In unanimous vol, d<-cidvd to re- = ^''''''^-^ ""f l'^*"'^'!: ^„ 

p-'irt the bill \\ednes- promote studctts from the eighth at .>3c 

. t 

S' nerintendcnt and i, -it A( 

which include 
ales as follows: 

lioraci- W arfi rd sold l.'O Ib^ 
at JSk : 145 at .VA : 175 at 48«.-: 
1J5 at 41c: 125 at ,Wc: 145 at 
27c: 70 at Sv : M) at l.V. 

(.iurtis Koger.s ^otd 125 lbs at AHiecl Supreme 
27c: 140 at .^9c : 7l» at 5.h : 05 at convenes here Friday. 
I7i : 115 at ; <o ai -i'k : 14? I*reni-er> will en.Ieav..- ; •' 
at .Wc: iff) at 2'\- : 150 at 11 1-4. nierge particular conleiiUon^ .-iiid 
Dave I.. I'tcu It sold 2n' 1'.- generally consider the dls oi l.ii- 
at .Wc : 155 at Mk : -Id at .IV : 28(. rope, 

: <o :ii ,x ; 1S5 at 4i),- : ±" - 

t. ouncil w 

Just at daybreak Wedne^^lay 
morning, the s|,;ril t)i Mrs. Nan- 
nie J. i urley returned to the God 
who gave- ii. 

Mrs. Turley sank into the slccr kuuws no waking, a^ a Uttl 
i!.i!<i sremiy drifts int. sliunbcr- 
land. -\!»out hi r ijcdside were 
i-er vliiiilrcn and loved ones, 
tninistcring with tender hands 
and lovini.' lu arts in this last sad 
hour. She had been in failin-^ 
health tor inonth>, and the para- 
lytic stroke sustained Tuesday 
presaged the end, whkrh came 

! ,1 l-.ii- and useful life, de- 
voted to tliv good of oilier- and 
• . viL, i er .Master cauic to a 
;i' .: • ;id. .Mrs. Turlev would 
have been SIJ vears of age on 

\ia-.-i: I llli. iu-\t. 



I- House recent «1 j)etition s{,l(!i«-rs a-iving pas- 
of a bonus bill. 


I 'O: 

Settate ]»assed a 

thai lilt s^t-' ' 
!i( ! xcd as Al ■ >'. 

ior'-j prom 

H- tiovenio 
■ I lousf a' 

:,iitte-- \" I" 
-on ( •->' 1 < - 1 

t II 
• nd 
I < I 

oint res- 
ell lav ill 

mali* Ml. 

,d its 

t iii'diit - 


iig s behiji 'paiLfd 

.•a<ji nai ter-^ , ; tlu- \\ aliac^--' >1< 1; im ca 
. Le infetoii.j i;,., ii.-ili.. >css;s>!i v;.- iini<he«l 
tlie cooperative* marUctint; 1". 
•Use kahil , -iM-n its secoiui iead:ng in 
leen t Car-| ; ,ti ;u«( 
C-. .sinc<- Sat-t ^ „ — < . t r- 
' ;idq;- irt( r- jc in<.innaM 
ill !>• bnsv 
y iier 

• tails' 


ccoiui iead:nj 


Merchant ^'cmnd 
Witi. Bu/let H r'c in Head 


\ > >lc 

le mil favor 

nscqucntly. with the , 

relaiivi progress a* in the Senate • , » • 

the bill will be in ^hape lor pas I'-he cmmitte.- m the followm- 
sage on Fridav, -f it should iMrlsvnop.Ms ot the nMasurc: 
dernied v,i.e f.'l -epthe House ini "1— A i-d' to provule for a 
^esMo!^ that lorn . iMaie I'.oar.i .-i l.ducation con- 

To Senator \ewton Kright. ..f ' i-tii-.}; "! ne .Superintendent o! 
MmineiKc. fi ll the l;oi:-.t of li;, ' 'i'!.!-. Iiisinictioi; and eight lav 
'lal step taken in the Senate. 1 nend.ers. n. t more than four of 
lor he had the satisfaction f»f in-| vhimi shall l»el<rtig to the s.-mie 
', '^il!!'"'* "■.Mincing t'.jc measure. '1 nr-da\ i i oiiticrd pa'ty. to "m- appointed 
t.c >cnate , a„j| ^iiortly alterwanli >y liie (iov.-inor by and with the 

, lak-iiig part in the d scussion <»fi -on-^ent of the S-uate for a term 
ti y i.ill b\ the new Rub s ( oim j >\ four \.'ar.. Te rms of iiiem- 
niitti^ of' eleven «leniot rat . to i.. ; - d .d! "^iiire at <lilTcrcnt dates 
whir, jt ^vas referred, llun o ; - . tiiai .li.' State Hoard of Edu- 
--efMi; it brought into the .'^eiiatr I ration will li' conn- .i conli'Miou-^ 
and ^ivt-n its record :idvatn c. j n»d. . .XpiH inlive members shall 
I ln|]^^ House, the bill v\;.s ii' i ecf-iw no s;tl.-ir\ . but shall re- 
'^"*'iced by Kepresmtative yihv i iv - their 

I- »-0\\I1. of "slH-ltiy c«i/nty 

^P*^^er Tliom.oson refernd iIh- 
m(^ti>'''t the (."<.iy?mittej tin .\g- 
hich wa.'< the oui\ 
afterin»on. The 
-';i|i of tliis (I imniitt«-(- 
j:iianimously favored the 

to; at 4Cc 

80 at 42c; I.K> at ok JULYS QUeAEQ OVER 
25 at AOv : 185 at Ut : !tt)Wf wl^""*^'' If fUll 


$150^00 BY MOVIES 

(ttr AMociated 

W .islMnulon. jan 
Icr tieneral llavs s.i 




I H i. 

i .!-Ol>o!«! 

• • • "s >. • I. 

/. which yi-ax 
I committee 
ffluring the afti 




-ment (d tin 
• iie Chinese tar- 
nt effective basis 
ii>ortant devclop- 
iiie confcrei^e 
l:pert's report 

dcf>nition ; view 

.n. 's ;i 

Lisle, of Jcssaniitn- 
n. n. Thornlierry. oi 
- : W. II. I'.ntlon. Trindile . 
Kice. tahlwell 
Peivlletcm : and 
s. |-'rauklin. <i( nii 

\iiio-. 1 .( .v^aii : 1\. I). .Mc- 
y. (iarrard: .-uid .S. R. I'ow- 
•till. republicans, 
burlcy growers' bill. \\ liich 
eneral act referring to .-ill 
jerativc associations now in 
rnre or t" be fornicd in Ken- 
. evidently has been drawn 
great care for all legal jdia.v 
v( lived. The title alone cov- 
\vo printed p«'iges. (-)ut <.'f 
/>liment to Judge KoI)ert W. 
.I'.inji-bam. the Loiii-villr pnblish- 
f er. who has taken an active part 
\. in the f«»rmation and financing of 
the preliminary orgaiii/at ^ n. t'x 
act is to be referred to •"tor indc . 
inu^ nurp'tses" as the **Binghani 


ni:ith grade*. ;it Mk : 145 at 24* : 50 al St 

The prograin was outlined by. (jav and Lay ttJii sold 75 lbs 

at Mk : 1 10 at 42c : .$25 at 44* : 
210 at 4'V : 2,n5 at 4f^; 223 at 43c 

Mvl -iO at 21c. 

.V Ii. lioUon -old SO lbs Hi 
•>c: 40 at !•> l -4c: 70 a! 2' V: dehnitelv <!eeid. w l . t 

at 2^V: b>5 al .Vic: .k$0 at .^Kr : 
2»J0 a I .vt: 28<J ;:t -?'A- : 225 at 
50c: 150 at 4«A-: 2M) at 4o'. ; 3.^ 
at Vk : 2M) at 4Kc : 285 at 2'>c. 

Sim Uh-.ekr s(dd I'M) lbs a'. 
27c: frO at M\ - 150 at XW : r»5 
15c; 2il» at it c: L^o 471-; 2SS 
at 42c: .>'o at 17c: .^70 at 4<h-; 
2.' .=^al 15. : 2-Ht at 4J<c. 

Mill I'.akri- so! ; 2.-1! II.- M .Mc: 
21 5 a! l-\ Mm at -!.s<- ; IS5 al 
.v^c : 1^1 • .. !.s at / i -ic. 

expcnscsj jaine-. Witt sold lbs .it 4.s.- : 
.nd otlicr neccssjifv e.vpensps. 2Hl at .s't : '•<) al .>7i : M'.:it 2.H-. 
Ibis iiill woidd abolisji the Slate; UrulUs llwanl -old 255 lbs at 
Hoanl of Kxamiiurs. the \'oca-!.>ic: 140 at 46c: 115 at 45c: lo5 
ion d I d'!i .••.ti»«ri IJoa; d and ; he ' .a 4(X- : 3.0 at . ll)5 at 2'' I -2c : 
^tate l e.xt l{«Mik t oir.uiissioii. : 2fi'> at .VK* : 2U0 at 
Ml the powers non e.xercisefl by 15 .^-4c. 

V was the 
of till lalc (ireeii l». Tur- 
ley. w lm |)a- -c i .\er a nnniljer of 
\' 1 -o. Before Iter marriage 

, . s .\ii,s .\annif J. .\daii| 
Iriivrbter of Wesley and Flia 

.-tills. SI e was born Im 
',ar:. - '. countx. but ha<i hvcrllin 

ladison since her marriage. 

trav< ling 

i-r t'l !;-;i.\f til'- cal ii i t 
i-c)ii ' ! . ru n ]>iaci' 
ill ;!'!■ in- l oi! |.i(!ni - 
lie will not likelv inak 
siiiii for ten dav s |- ■.. 
^iM»d the sitllar} i.:'! ,-.; 
L'xcess of SI50.fXi<t ar.niia?!v. 

$9^^1 NEEDED TO 


\ I- 

-o ten 

ii'.v .V . i ri kr^i 
Washington. Jan. A I) 
informal r' ipK - - fr. i* ' ■ 
5 l-2c; 105 al minimi rat i»»ii re<|nesiipg » -i;^- 

to elfiselv follow the e<timai'-- 

sur . r. r.i !.\ seven children, 
lurk) . (..' II. 1 urley . Jr.. All 
1. Deatherage. Airs. I . IF. 
- : . i .hn W. Turley, .Mrs.'k. 
of Stanford, and W . B. 

Inrley. all of whom 
•^bounded s\ ni|i.-itli\ ii*f 
" f-Nls and h.: vil^ I'M's 
iiour. .Mrs. 'iiirJey 
s o;u- >ister. Mrs. y] ■ rr- 
and a iir-ii ' ' ' ' ' ". 
i; I A Ma'I--' 1 . . 

irlcy was a devolc»l 
•t tlu hirst ( hris' 11 
She lived li«-r rel -i. 
her Lord and was al- 
I the summons to 

I ■ .'•;( ii'. i.;;/!icr. 

I'um r.d services will be c-jn- 
liiii t' • r jKistor. Kc . Ilor-er 

\\ . ( .11;. I .:U-r. al the l-ii si i Iiris- 

I ?dr-. 
■ 1 icmbcr 
i church. 
I and lovei 

', tian clii'rcb. 

;i-. Ill li>«; 

Thnrsdav afternoon 

f. !1. 'vc d' 1 . i-r-n - 
Kichmond ccmeler' . 

{In- St:ite I'loard oi I-. :iu .!;='.;i 
^ the .State Hoard of L.xaimners. 
its meeting late Tuesday t|,e \ o-.ationa! l-:ducation Hoard. 

aufl the .State Text llook Omi- 
•pission are conferred upon t!n- 
reorgani7«-d ."state I'.oard of l-,du- 
calion. This ! ill makes the .State 

12 .Mc: l.'O at .^2c: 125 
1«J0 at 44c; 150 at (lOc : 

Martin . 15, Ivhtcation the c»ne cer 
.\rch M. lincaling aulhoritv in the state 
'"^ It makes it the diity of the State 49r; IJO at 29c 

Moai ' of l-lilucatio:! to pri-pare ( and ."son 
multiple lists of approved text- .>Cc; 250 at 47c 

l\. 1-",. l)o/!er sold 55 II,, ;,t ^ui.iiiittcd 1} ti e ni 

2'A:; Ho at Mk : 110 at 5tc ; 110 ai bureau, llu treasur\ de} 

M)c. p.ppn.priation hi'! today re|H.rted| 

W . (. lick sold 50 lb at « by the llousi- a|i].!oi,r:.t;ion co.:i ' 

.-'.I 4.1. : 115 at 51c: 155 at 51c: mittee. <!isclosed :i ml ..i m ■ >- 

55 at 47c: 15 at 4 I-.n-- imately nine per "ent. M 1 .i- 

.John IMownian sold I'*) liis at sure is the first of t' rriiid:i!| 

I? 5.^1- . ^iM'p'y ' ' ■ ' ' ■ ' 

AJO al conimitU-( 


' JACKSON comn ^ 


bills coinpbtcdd i>% lit 1 i 

as rei'or'e.i: 

under llu- new bii'!;;! 1 
'ill) at 27c. act system The bill 

...M 2.U» lbs a; carries .<1 1S.I.(0.(< n. .<! : 
150 at 55c; U'O les.s than the amount i< >.i:' 
iHtoks. niM»n the recommendation at 55c: ICO at 5.^c: 175 at 51c: in the budfjet. Ftir tlu- enb 
of the .^up«-ri!uendenl and an .^lO at 45c : IW"* al .>5c : 240 al -vc ni' i,! ..f prohibition 

; 1 1 1 1 

( la; . mere' 
MrlscL ai:< 

rce - 

.•s*'.! !. O.t (1 ! i\ , lorrm r - store. 

advisory te.vibook coinniis>ion 
from which list comity text books 
Commission slrill select the te.M- 
liooks to be tised in the various 
comities. Cities of the four 
elates are ma<le independent in! 
the matter of adopting textbooks., 
This hill makes it the dutv of. 

l'»(i . ? 4(1 : \M) :it .>0c ; 155 at 2t) lecominentled. .Ml saiarv 
l ie. 511 .1! l-.ic. requests are eliminated 

Clav WiM-oii -ohl 11:> ii.s at public bitdiling estimat 
I8i-; 115 at .v-c: "5 al 48c: 170 «luccd ^JWO.OOO. 
at 45c; 285 ai 42c: ifoat25 I -2c. 

I. K. .Sel>astian sold 40 lbs at 
4<Jc: 25 a I 45c: M) at 105 at 
»k)c; 8 5ai 44c: .M) al 2«c : 1.^5 at 

•atcli from Ijon<oti says 

Mil. 1i^ 

C lov i-v 
;v, shot 

i'cHy. a 
. at the 



i liollom, in Jacnstui con 
and instantly killed Wm 
I farmer, in a fight Afondii 




tacked tJa\ with a kmic 
.ig a dispute, and\ that tb«^ 

and l!;; 

•'"'^ 1 latter shot in self-defettUe. He 
' w a arrested and brou^t to Mc- 



on Fdan Awarded 
lllMil RMd CcalMet 

t Kee. 

the .State Board of Edttcation an- 4«c: 65 at 40c; 2.? Oat 51c: 15<.' 

n!iall_\ lo a^jopt a ;.,m'. . ' s.-,'- .,, 


C< '11- 

ary schedule for superintendents. 150 
prir.cipals ami teachers. The 3(1^ 
Board is given tlu j'«»wer 10 a p-I 
point all stale supervisors and 

recommeii- .>os 

2.?5 at Mk ; 240 at 2b l-2c; 
I 17c : bO at 17c: 135 at at 28c 


SUvto In SlBl^ J«i. 


1-Vankfort. Ky.. Ja:i 
tract tor three miles 01 concrete! Kentack\ is readv to iHjgin on 
on the Lexington-W iiH-hester l Januarx 16. ;is cainpaiun to hon- 
liiKc. was l. t .Mo" 1; l.x :!!c ^.iWofMlrow W ilstm kii^ to raise 
.State Highway Loiunnssj. .,, to ,1, ,, :, ! t.> perpetuate 

i>.e W#odrow 

.,, . .^".%»d£iu>«.' Pra«l|ic»ll|r 

the gap to the l-av ct; ' 

; i j#% t» .^laie iiignvvav »^«.iuni:ssi. .n i,, ^.lart- 

Hdl and Whil-iker .sold l-K) ItjS Destog^iets. of l,exin-ton. i„, j.^.-i,.. 

. I'.' ; »«*r Sl(»s.nrrfl T!;,- ...nt. act closes WjUon F<-vnU£.lK>«. 

et tio!i tf, t* 

Co-operative Marketing , . 

The bill is 21 printed pages in >n^l»tctors i|,M.n the recommei.- m„ at 43c : .>/:> at .yc; I4r 

exteiii. and takes up in detail all «» ^^e State Sopetittten. 27c: 30 at l-2e: .b at 29c: 

matters coming within llu- pur- , •'" - VN'inchesicr. Rock asphalt '.vas of tnen and women 

of the co-operative p<K,l \»"J.> al>ohshing the pro- 210 at_ 4lc: 225 at 29c_: 125 _ at bid $t^O0Q under concrete 

111) ' ' "• < v-r\* sec tion if; t'le state hjlS 

which p«.mt the roa.l - alpli..,'. i. „^^.„ organize<l >.ith committers 

schedules as 
It hod of scran 
le to be elim- 
;s of the sig- 

-oirj-bt ti 


be e^t-'d'lished. 

ent Te.xt Book Commission and 3Ic: 230 at 32c. 65 at 31c: 55 a: 


t One 

4 - The 
and ("<'! 

r ividing for the adoption of 

111 wool pair blankets, regular 'f-M lKK>ks by the State Board of 
lis value at $6.75. Oldham's Big b'dtication as indicated above, 
1^^^^^ g^ig flgg^ \f — .\ bill prescribing ceriil'i 

— icates for sujicrinlcndents. prin- 

Coal Meeting Off cip.ils. attendance ofTicers. and 

iBy Aiwociste<i Prcw.) tf .irh. rs. and a salary schedule 

Indiatiapolis. Tan. 4- .\ meet- based npon ccrtif'cate held, 
ing of the coal' operators of the "'4— .\ bill to provide for bet l 

feiie'budc^t^'^lral competitive field with of- ter attendance, making it coiii-[ 
W S.M60'X) ficers 01 the United Mine Work- l-uL^nry for all cliddren between 
^ (he \9^) t'"-^- ca"^<' I 'ill shut gh !.he ligcs of seven and sixteen in- 

16 3-4c: 40 at 1.5c: 55 at .5c 

Giri kSevBidy Bui'ued 

Mt. .Sterling. Ky. ian. 4- llil- 
den (.'lay Richardson. 5. dauyhler 
ot C C Richard.son. may die as 
the restUt of burns suffered w hen 
her dress ignited from a bopifire. 

.\lnrrav solil 20 Ib^ ::\ 
7(1 a I 

W. 1 

J.k; .50 at 42c: 70 af .50c 

•5.k: 45 at 41c: 25 at 4.-c 

41c: 60 at 38c: 85 at 3(k 

and tie gill' 

ning on the tliird Alonday in Tan- 
naiy "ihe opijor^inity will be 
-r'\-v for this state to expres.s 
*> its faith in the liberal 

."'.I at iiU;t.> .lud in the wqfld democracv 
20 aMfii>r w hich WjK>dro\v Wilson has 
l^^n the chief spokesman." 

.1 the pn.>- , {[riday, was called oft lod 
fugs of the f resident Lewis of the 
[hem. I'lis h't.' meeting \va- to Hx 
Mhution of negotiating a wag<- 
The cuts ment eflfective next April 
facl and ''orBially annout;ce<l the nuciing 
,was called off because the oper- 
— ^ '^tors refused to, meet the nnn- 

imuni tax rate that -vaN be lev- 
reil in a graded .school district 
from 75 cents to :^1..tO and niak- 
av b\ clnsiv^. who are mentally ami ing it compulsory upon graded 
union. jihv>icalb lit, to attend each da; sehoob now in existence to matu- 
a date ol 'ihr cniire term. This bill pro- t:iin a standard lour year high 
agree- viile^ that eac't county cinpli»yi school course and^to provide for 
Lewi.<; oin' or more attendance 


V. ho sitall hold a proper cerljii- 
cat«- ot (pi.-ililicalioii. 

"5 '\ bill to create two new 


^ irt .-.pecial 
e today 
■III' — 

is taBdng- alroat 
tluttgs are at Old- 
End Sale. 

attendance officer in gnuted 
school districts- 

"9 — A bill to increase tlie sal- 
ary of th(- Siaiv SnperintendenI 
one fnnn HWK) to !f5.UX). 

10— -A bill conferring 

tiecn sob! X(i It 
: 'J5 at 
.SOc; .50 .vl 
1$ l-2c ; 45 at 
— ^-1—/ 

white normal sfhonls and 

new colored normal schciol. j "lO-.A Dill conicrrmg uponj 
"6_A bill appropriating $50.-jcoanty l>oards of education the 
')00 lo support county snminer|power to pronioie pupils from' 
tv.-jining schools and to e.,lablish.the eighth to tht; ninth grades. | 
a normal course in certain des-i "AH these b«8 are based uponj 
ignaled high schools. jlhft' "^vonimei dafion of the State; 

"(y—\ bill making it pfissible'Sl/ ■miission and havej 

5 at b»r both jMilitical parties to nomi- hf H by the legislativej 

{inatc or iufh.rse the same caiidi «/ f the Keotncky Ed- 

idafe for ^ni . rinteiulent of i'ub- / fi(»ciation.rthf» countV| 

J \erinteadeuts Viid bv 


s a I 
15 a I 



Buy your need's from us and you 
will be more pratimmM 

PtMfle 33 fbxm 33 





laterett ptii m TtHtt 
Savinp llBpillil. ApM^ 

Ai deposits made on or 
before the IM i^Janii- 
anr, 1922, 



Lexington, Ky. 
S.-C Cor. Main & Upper 

:4 MacEson Cbuntv, ti^j^ Wednesclay, Janiic^y ' ^JV^ 

f«tltl#<t to tb« UK* for r'.n.^Ml. i.Uoh 
of all new* dlBpat^h^s crefllt«?<l to If. or 
ndt otb«firlM crr.litad In thH pj.x'r, 





The Daily Register 1 n> receiv- 
ed nil interestin.? letter from 
Judjjo jolin C. Chenanlt. who if? in 
Mississippi, visiting his <;on. John 
t al>ell Chenanlt and wife, h will 
l>e read v\iih interest by his many 
friends at home here : 

Abbott, Mis^.. Dec. 26. '21. 
I.dititr n.iily Register. 
Richmond. Ky. 
T K ft Kichmnnd on the 15th and 
arrive<l he i f the ne^ct dav. ^ onr 
valttable paper is f. daily risltor. 

we arc well up '-n (he happen- 
ings at home. I have iailed to 
note in the personal colnifins that 
my absence has l>een observed. 
What a e|iange can in a short 
time take place in one's life. 

SjmjnO Utile Victims 

No new* in years hns cnii fd 
such wid<f ipread comment in 
Richmond as that latelv sent ov< 
by government health experts i!i 
Washington, saying ai lea^t 3 - 
000.000 American children nvf 
weak or ailing hecanse lhe\ d. > 
not get the rijjht kind of foml. 

As the authorities explained 
when making this annonncein:-nt. 
it is not so mncli a maltrr nf tin- 
tier- feeding, or over- feeding a^ o\ 
wrong feeding. - For this rnr<c- 
of malnutrition has brfn found t" 
exist in all classes f»f h<>uu - 

In other words, a lar^e part o! 
the sickne>-- . ' we.-tl.- 
ness which cost so heavily in time 
care, anxiety, and money. an<i 
leads frequently to uini ■ 
death, is due to a lack of ^ ' 
mines win h are nec<'-i<ary in >>v.- 
daily dir» 

To prftviric the-e vitamine^ : 
I certain in neral salts in -m li • 


auk & Tnist Co. 



I^ns arri Di* 
U. S. aiK^ Off.oi 
S:oc!c m Federn 
O^vivlrdf'f I^' 

I. ! . 1 OiH \ ;UilV 
Reserve L!! *}■€ Fo( 



Bett?i- AHvprtism? For Better Business 





. ■ a<l\erti<er >tart>i his local cam- 
■: ■ i- 'lie tinu '^r y<u t.. rtiti c<ipy that lets 
i.iic know yon sell his goods in your com- 

Thi> liii v i; i t -np not only sells gorxls. but it gives 
yitur ^lore .-i pi.riiMU <if the prestige for which the 
national advertiser pa^'s. 

^'our advertising and your window and counter dis- 
•'!; X i . i- . . '■ ! usetl to help get a sharf of the 
i'u-inc-- created by the national advertiser. 
Talk l!ii> over with your local publisher an<l keep 
in li 'uMi with I'u- national advertiser. He will \ve 
^'>:>''. 1 • Ici you know about his plans in your ter- 

The 4:ivertisMf CM 
of Ik 

Ne. 13 of a Series AcUretaed To Sellfers 

W hen 1 was proprietor of youria^ to 1)e ^asilv as<imilnte<l i~ 
paper, tlien callc<| the t Umax, my ! ,,f aims of 

i<\ery uio\enieii; was noted, but! science. i)r. Philip IJ. li: .. 
'now I may l>o away for a month Jefferson Medical ('«»llege. P'-H 
and if mi-i^ed by anyone I am not . Iji-ipi^in. ciriMoxe-' to . ■ • 
j aware of it. Such is life, as we a notable -eries of prat lit . ' 
move on. (with a nev. tonic-ftwMl kn- r 

!lar4 titne^ ua> the daily t:dk si •sj' >. w I idi r.niibint - t ' ' ■ 
h^u I was in Kiclinu>nd. 1 i«ear,,„i„es <»f R.ce. Veast. .M'!k. 
irreat deal of it here, bnt not sojwith Reef iVotein. .Vuckin 
'iniu'i ••!> heard llierr. Mo«t of Iri.ii. in .-i i<-urnlr;il. i 
j the planters here had a go«Ml corn! i in- pc.ipU >,f Km 'in . 
[yield and all have fat hogs. So. interesteil t- know 
j hog and hominy is assured fori tests M ere iMrried out 
I allot her year. ' f,dk and clrh.t en. soine .f !! ( • 

To my v.ay of thinking, it is'„ormal lualti-. oth«r- >nni' " 
idi .il !i\ inir here. ^^ «• hav»- big. ' from malnnt:iti«>u or auaetni 
little. «»ld and young, about fifty eimdittons. anr -.till ott-i-r. n 
Inegroes on our farm. They live erating from Aai-tin- <;im.,-. 
j in cpiarters as they did in ante- uith wonderful result-. \f' 
i belhnn day<. 1 imai;itu' they re- vfveral week- of -uih ex- . • 
Igard the laml owner to >»>nie ex-Iments th's i.iitritional exp« rt 
•tent as they did their owners. To' his associates Wcame convtjuc 
nie they appear a^ depen<lent as they were deaing uit'i :i rci^' 
they must have been on their .'remarkable footl d!>co^er — : 
masters. Their chiM-Klie trust adjunct to the owlinary daily dii 

Due from Otlv'i B .n^ _ _ _ ! >^,9^b. 


G-n-lr! ^' k on" 

Si-Mi ,i i' - 


r> Rank . 

depositors 4,964. 

I - 15.0T0 - 0^ 

30,0 6^ |P 

Reserve Bank 34,7/ ! . 


Trust Fun is on D:.po$l: 
Ofher ^ 
Bills i 

nil vidua! Denes:! 
. le 



t - 



ii' ii ■ 


^ o,(ioo.i 

-- 3,000.1 

Nine J 

The ciosFiig of the 3 car 1 9.^ I carries inlo 'lislory a pei i< 
business has been harassycl and difturbed by ecorlKxnic ind 
r)'obIems which are slwvly bill surely yidiing to thc^ gSbd iii<* 
cotu age and initiative <rf if ? Apirrican people. WM^ condit 
- ilj f^t f: 'M pormal it is iratifying, in eittDding fui^ ii.fn 


<urpris- which 
thevj . 

promotes health 

land cf)nridence i> really 
ling. When things go well they ^ strength 

jare happy. In fact, they are For delicate. >inmr-w« igiil 1 in! 
happy and cheerful most of the dren. a gla»s of mirr. coutaininr; 
time. The failure of the present twi. SI 'S'IO ♦ablet>^ thi. i • - 
national adminlMration to main- jay is a^food that will cii.u,, < n 
tain living prices for farm pro- thin, puny child into a strong ^- 
ducts. and good times, does not bust one v» ry (pjiekly. : 
concern them. | C hildren fed in this way ai .). ir 

My >ort. iolin. and his wife, to jump into health and strenrji' 
iia\e been here long enough to — ^eem- like a stroTit,-- statemtni.i 

Vca«-. to bear teiimorj} to {he fact Ait a dbifttr up^ 
>vnn I he nai ions ^,lhe v 01 iri is in ei itfciicc , iiidi 
'l it has been broMgl i al>oul between financ 
■hlev and chit Wholesome b t Mineas ati 

ance aoB 


. b . 
I lib if - %vi(! 

.-1 - J 

till ir disposition. I hey hut it is a niarvelously scieinit'i 
now that every negro on feet proven at Jefferson Me«lical 



A Question That Is Quickly and Readily Answered. 

Tk Courie("J(MiriiaI 

Largest Morning Circulation df Any ' 
Kentucky NewqMpo: 
F^njoys a nation-wide prestige and repatnti«i. It is 
tialfy^a newrpaper, intant 


the plantati<»n i- expecting to be rolieii'c IT re therefore, i^ ti 
pers.mally reineml)ered on Christ first opportunity <jlTered to th 
mas morning. It was certainly people of Richmond \vh«> nee 
amu>ing and interesting to see strength and vitaiitv. arc n ' 
them coining from their quarters , weight, run-down, anaemu. 
to the big house, as they desig- have imder-nourished chihlren < 
natc orr re-idence. yesterday feeble old people, to call at i'< ' 
morning. I could hear "Christ- rv*s Drug Store and get a v ' v 
mas gift. Mars* John and Mrs. anteed strength and Ixulv-buiidi- 2^ 
Bess." on every >ide. I'hey had that has been approved bv the ru- 
remembered all and all went otT tritional expert of one' of our 
smiling and displaying some greatest Mediral ( olle'^e<. !t 
small gift. They stand ready to| '. 

its own news hmrt^t at 

I MnrtAue a 



Witb important lct:'-lation coming before Congress and Ken- 
tu'cky General Assembly in 1S22, Tbe Cotvier-Joamal the 
daily newspi^^r you will need. 

1^ special arrangemeiits wd ire now able to offer 1' 


Both OMe Yew BY MAIM>r «>ilr IMI 

^ ^ANh- applies to reHewalt as ^"'^^ ^ aa li iui ^ U8ag « 
hutJy to people livinf ui Ktiittia<^\tt ii«^ 
JKar lubcriptions mi^, il aefMi ft^tfcV a At«r ine»Mi«(S 

tifjii date f ro« tafirmm «f ifiifnmm^u 

li you prefer an evcmxig aewspaper, 3'?>4 IMJ^ SUbStitUt!!! Xkft 
lid^uijville Ti.n^e? for Thft CouriW-'JdttrtaL 

Be^i if>r bring your orders to theofficjp^ » 

serve you in a menial way at ev 
ery beckon and call and a smile 
of appro\al is the only expected 
reward. It is certainly ideal and 
agreeable to have some one *ver 
ready to wait on ybu. 

1 simply started out to ^^ay 
don't let my paper stop if my 
fime is up January 1st, Uid-I will 
p^- a year in advance as soon as 
sdon as 1 come home. 

Yours Irulv, 

Cut Three Sets of Teeth 

and Had Second Eye Sight 
Danville. Ky.. Jan. 4 — Mr<. 

Sally ireim died at her home ii- 
the Rhebcr section of (.asey i on-.! 
ty. and was bured at Salem. Ann 
Sally, as she was we'I ku'" 
was a remarkable old ! ' > ' 
in her 105th year an( i > 1 
three sets of teeth. Abori iv 
years ago she cut several ■ 
teeth and also received her 
eye sight. 


Mr<. A. I. Tracv >old; 20 lbs. 
at 25c: 10 at 10 ..-'4. 

Si<l Raker sold; 15 pounds at 
4.S0 : 75 at 17 1-4; 130 at 30: 40 at 
41 : at .'^1. 

Hell r.aker sold: 15 pounds at I on theorv and 
7 l-4c: 180 at 25: 185 at 35: 110 " ' " 

at 45: 205 at 42: 250 at M. 
Mo>e Mc.New sold; 50 pounds 

Texts For Teachers Are 

AnwMMeed At Frankfort 

I'nnk f<)rt. Ky.. Jan. 4 'i- x'- 
for teachers to study this \eai 
were announced by the .'^t.'»te 

Pioard of lOliuati' in. On. . i. ■■ 
practice wi'lbo 

based on "The Classroom Teach-} 
er." for elementary ccrtil'n ale-'. j 
an<l for life certiHeate^i. sta't di- 

I on of our devotion to 
' t vice to a county rcn« 

'ii' <\^irf] famiifig and bu 
e lonlnbiitod to our 
c'lDif Miif^on of thp conf 

I' ^ (U/IlP 

■Oidially cr^ 

at 30c: 85 at 28 : 65. at 52; 55 atiplomas and high schoo! ccriiiicat- 

100 at 29; 45 at 

150 pound 

cs. on "Met hods 
High Schools." 

t>f Teaching iii 

0: 40 at 35; 
10 .1-4. 

lesse Proctor sold 
at 15 14: 45 at lO 1-2; VtS'ut 2S;[lMtfiky Made Him Forget 
225 at 0 1 -4. 

Kearn^ F'>rn«.. ^oi<l ; l.\5 pounds 
at 10c : 2.V) at 20 ; 580 at .M ; 275 at 
40: .U5 at 47; 310 at 45; 250 at 


Win Bnrtftn sold: lOiJ p'->unds 
at 12c : 295 at 25 ; 250 at 25 ; 235 at 
25: 130 at 25; 195 at 9 3-4. 
Qay Wilsop sold : 95 pounds at 

He Was Married, He Says 
Louisville. Ky.. Jan. 4 — l-Vank 
E. Moore, 48. Louisville, was sen- 
tenced in Jpflfcrsonville to* r^ o 
si.\ months in the prison on a bi.:.'- 
ailiy charge. He was married to 
Carrie L. Fink in T-om'sville, Jan- 
uary 16. 1918, and. without oii- 
taining a divorce,<became the htf^- 

48c ; 180 at 45; 285 at 4^; 165 atjband of Mrs. Victoria Mah 
25 1-2. JeflFfcrsonville, April 8, 1921. 

\ m. 

W. M .Snyder sold: 160 pounds | only plea was that bfe was elrunk 
225 at 32: " * - 

at 20c: 175 at 26: 225 at 32: 210' ar thi tiiii« W the s^d marri- 
at 33 ; 250 at 30; 90 at IS 1-2 ; .30 age. 
at 8. "* 

George 3IcLec.r soldr 225 !bs. 
at 14 1^2c; 125 at 20; 180 at 2^; 
175 at 17. _ 


at Close of 

U. S. and Other Bonds 
Due from Banks and 


Gish -J 

Banking f louse and I 
Slock in Federal Rese 
Other Items • 

Seek Friends in Hour of Need 

"In tbe hour of need we seek| 
out h€st {tmi^ writes C. S. W ! 
de W€t, 9S/ 73fd avenue. Oak-| 
Und, Cal., "our little boy andi 
jgirl had severi, rasping cotuhsl 
230 lbs without phlegm that choked 
5; 120 at flushed their faces. Foley 
155 atjey ^nd^Tar was 


Capital Stock 

S'n L'Mci Undivided 


DiL'" to Banks 
Bill Vvabl« ... 

Matiil! • m 
Wednesday - Tlurs^la 

Wednesday, January 4^.1 922 



A Powerful Drama of a Wonum's Vanity nnA a Man's Great I^ve 

Me Fredensk 

tt Opera House • " TImi 4 Hgfsgman c f the Apocalypse 



Pitlie News 


A OPERA HdUSE-SAT OiyAt i tiyt_ 

LOOK, WilO'3 COMfNG! THB #MliD MlMi 
STAR (lffiR9CU') 

Ruth Storehouse 

IN PERSON -Hau- her story of life in ihemovies — j§p«J*5, 
Paging program in adrfition to her •^•^ 
be preseatML No advance in prfee. 


le New Store 

A Qiy R\>py and Prosperous New ^t ar lo all. 

B\ the waV. il Is an opportune lime lo thank the ponpio of Richmond and 
Mad? ' ( cv«nl'^ -^d elsewhere for their generous support. We have had a won- 
derfiili\ busy t?' • of it, really beyond our expectation, since our opening in Octo- 
ber an '"we vvf:'i lo show our appreciation hv thankitr: evory on^^ whn hcljicd to 
! krrp • >obiis .. We expect a much busier I 'ne ihi< conung year than our 
openiii iiionth| presaged because of our unswerving policy of giving 

. VALUE ' 

are go| yi lo IJ^ the job, always ready to setW. 

• ic rci "deling our 'Second storv and \vhcn nil is hnishcl as planiud in 
••m ■• cxpecl in h»\ Jiiiifiii aii.l modt iiily equij)p<Hl siore as any 

i !.;.!! ir.y. Before going Easi for our Snnrg slock >ve i'. ive (let hied Ui 
: . . iiii. V DiTss. Bloii-e. S\\'. a!er* Biaiikel:^ and Com- 
' r low : ^* possible figure and iho^c needing such merchandise will liiid 
■.auK^i iii! our stock is reduced. 

p . . i„i„, Howard P.yn, ^hdiQ^n INSPECTOR OUT 

IS . 






rehC I 


ym Km&m B. ft O. R. R. MbA 
BMides To Make SteMMAt 
of His Case 

:'.i!nily »].ivf tnlcPii poise=«ion of! 
Mr.. SiirU.y }^'U\ hom> on the 
Stnnmii. recently vacated by 

* I'. > < >'<il!,'Hii nivl fnmilv. 
Mr. Hrluu n. 1'< arlnian has rc- 

liimnl in )(>lw< llofikins iltli- 
vcr iiy. naliimort'. after spend-, 
iiii,'' i'k- liohday^ u ith lii. parrnf-s. 
Mr nii'l S\r<. |. I'l-arhuan. 

Mr. i:inc>t Ifarris. of L'ninnj TI. \'. Ki^er. lS2.MIn].I.- avmnc 
litv. \vli(. iM on -;|wn.i;n- ilu'j H»">t'"fi:^'"^- ^V. \ a.. oar in^p« ( tor; 
li t liionih in 1 iorida. i.s f.Kpcrt-^*''" ^- ^ ^- hn> a 
.• I h..tne the latter ivirt of the ''O'^* f'-'*'"^'- ^ rejr.irr io. 
\ycr\^_ i learn «»f the wonflrriul !nir)rf»vc- 

Mr. I V.lenian < Iri<fRs and Mr i i^^'"* »" '"-^ Mr. I - "-!- - Moherly have rcttirned!'-; " '•J'^ly known in irntenn! 
io 1! '• I "I'.ivf T ii V nf Kentucky 

• i\< V ^ii' r:.linj; tlie holidays with 

J, Bi Stouffer Company 

'ill- home iolk-;. 
-Mis.s Hakel >foores. of the 

\\ .'M-o -;cc:ti<)n. spent the week 
cii'l \vit!i -Mis- .Mary Earl Tirig^gs 
It ('ni'tn ( itv. 

' (''-nr'iuan ha^ - 

lo l.<»ui>ville to rc^iinx- 
i . r tf.M-iiini; after si»endfnir tt'i-* 
I •-t;-',;- 1. - v.itli III-'' I'.'i- ■ ' 

! 11'-. .\!r. .••.ml .Mr->. |. rt-.-irlman.i 
Mr- K. i < »i<lhai'n and cliil ! 
■n I 1M- ntnnu'd froni a vi-ii 
I . ; •'. .Mii-. r'-. par« iu-. Mr. ;m<i 
• • ; !•. < oliii)-. at (. ritteiuien.' 

I If 1 .1 \i'iu't<>n llcrald .>i*ys : 
' j. lin l*,-it«-: aii'l Mi>s ]»'an-' 
I!:'; ' u- \':\>vy h:i\v liven vi>ilinir 
't' ; Ip.l'vi -; nt Midw.iv. 

cle-;. brill''' n nieinher of the I. (). 
O. P.. K. of P.. and the W . O. \\\' 
In relatihi^ his experience, he- 


"i hesitated a loiii; while abotuj 
inakinq^ this statement hift finally I 

deriile ! to i1"> -^o. lu l tli.ii 
tiu rc are iiuiny wli') ' ;•< i n- [ 
'li'l who neerl 'I'anlar and uil! he 

ii;'l(i( c. I • • . • :, I: ( i" :. - :> re~nl' • ■ 

\!l M.; 

'friend^ kn'»« iliat •.nme t Mie 
I had Ikmmi ill .1 niii-d<o\ii an'i 

Hundreds ^nta^ 
Are Daiijf Saving 

Cierk 3^ckkeepii)g Expense 
and Cost of Delivery by 
purchasing bom U8 



1' r lu re h"ri<la\ and 

! itrlev K it !'<•;• 

:. !■ . \\ - \.< >\\ I -III' t . : 1 : • -1 ' II :- 
•,'e^tion. iiervoivsne>s and -leet>- 
k'.-.sjie- - fi'r !!:;■ r : 

relief and 1 :ini f«-eliii^ lil <• new 
ni.iii \:>>\\. I'm ai>ie t<i ( .-i!. -:eep 
jan«l V ork iu-tter than in year>. V. 
. V^'"^***".'U"ertainly is a medieiin of ttnti-iual 
I merit." 

i Janlae is xild in kulmiMnd \'\ 


Call on Us 

Piione 97 


.eagan— Celt 

■ \nnoii; V\ •^\\ 
'larri.i;,' ^Ir 
lisN I ,r, 

ity. T' . ! ;a»i-. 
•onjfrati! -"a^ 

i \\ ill C'tnijjiete. !i( ! 
|iliM-'!ie»> eolh Ife 

1" M.. I' 1 ' I. I. 

conr-^e .I", a 

- t: .!( of th'; !: ) ;,|rKce lia- r-;rn- 

'I'ttt and ii! in. 111 f»ir v, • • Iiani where -^iie 
;i i "th of thi>j'a?ten<lej| ilu | i( \rdle-.Mel\enna 
>i> Md;. cxtcn»I' \\ ecld-ntif. I 

# ^1'-- Sahiff ( " ntry -pent the 


Mr. : 
h-lij^lil ! 
(KT Snn. 
Mr. air 
wms. \ 
Miss C 

J!»a>^r .\e<-k \\ 
fiue Is ! eht-strr. 

i*arri>h' Mr and .M 
,il <lin-,kfi tlie iatl« 
inclroled' for T-nvelltfin 
\v.\<\ iln V i!l -j-eiji 
•ell. ami tiic .viiiter 
• ! .»f \N ;n-! Walker Km 

'^lenevT ^iH£jr>-. c'' Mi-^ l .a tl 
Airs, sitnied In r d 


I friend- n \\ in- 

iames !!iin:-'de 
.irl of the week 
' -misiana. where 
•e remainder of 
I heir <r.n. Mr. 
and family. 

nanh. .Mar\ l.i iii-e (.'uvinirt' 'i- : 
Lucille Rite. Latna l-al>e!le i'.en-' 
nett, '.oitise McKee and rat>v 

•! Mn;iay alter :. vimI ..! ten; ,,^y„j,:^t. 

- the Ii..niel<>!k- i«n; 


Stock t«Mi and Sr»n. 

and leadinir 

' - .\lr.. S. \. I ). .l-ne. ^Vadlin-t..p I.,.. 
Mer.ed have rettMiu l to State '''^Vll»een th. ^ne^t -f I:-- 
I nive-^i.-.. havu.u M.em the i- .1 , "^''^--'M 

win I h.i 
aitiit. Mr 

New Cii:fnr'i ^ 

Close r. ■ 'I o." 

• :' > Mil'.' 
■;i t iTihi V , 

•iirhant. ot 
■' fiiendi 

1- r;iMK I 
W \\ . i. 


iday vith the h«inie ^dks 
." i-lii/ri'i; ! ' < i''-' 

M:>.d; - I'.-.rri !i \v.\ 

^eliiM.' at I .( xiiijLi:!' 

Mrs. (i. W. I v. M and .M:-- 

C nrr: !een .Sjnitli li.i'.e rel;iriie<! 

fioin a \isit with tiieir -i-ter. 

Mrs. J. M. Bent<»n. and Jmlt^e 

I'.etu at their home in W in- 

elie- ler. 

Hallard Lwxon. Jr.. left Sun- 
day for I .ee. i-l.iir^j. \ a.. t«J re- 
' e his Nchool duficjs. 
rs. Waller Benn rtt is con- 
scent from an at ack of ton- 

in (•i<";i. 

r. S. I'.nrnani. hit .Mt.ndav 

, . eoiMinue his shool work, 
relnrne'! to... 


!CM lirfs Mt-H is Wortii MoHieT < • 

^'''i C'tit ont tlii< -hp. « nc!' ■ 

•^'"'-'5c to Foiev i\- e.... 28.?.=^ • I' 




hirnr ni. v!,., Im. Keen with ^^.^ Chicaifo. PI . writhjif vnnr'een- 
1':e l.oine f,.l!<. fl„nn« the hoh- .„!,i,,.,. , K.^Hv. ^...r 

••'<"rn«-'l v.'th him. | ^..j,, ^..^eive in ,.;•::„ ':, tn' 

packaj-e omtain l ..le^• '! .;. j 
ey and Tar Cotnpi.nn;! f..r .. n-h- 

, , ,, , , eoMs and eronf). l"«>lev l\'<l'ie' 

Mi^s l.hzabeth HauRcr left pjn, j,,„, i.„i,., catarrh Tah 
!;ie . :!y :.. eoii- j '^r her ^^"rk ' j.,,, 

ai |>yj)er-. selioul. (iarrleni 

/- it; . y-.v York. . having .s,,ent' i^,;,, jjeuiai, .shifflett >pent 
tne past ten days at Arlmgton. Christmas with her sister. Mrs.' 


■ .i.'i' n . 


V. ii \\ her (l.''.r.;;liier. Mrs. 
\\ il.-on. in Irvine. 

■ i ^ . I i c ' ' ■ . . 
•M. .!!■. :- r\ ■ 


:\\'^'\ the 

:i r'e'l'fii; 

•Tent VaUie L'f 

Foley's Has Never FaUed 

Irs. R. C. .Moriranpia^ r {t'rn-; . f-''innry is a had month for in- 
to i.exington after a vi>it i'.,''' .T''1>I^p .'in-l hnmeliial 

Kel- 1 tl is unwise to nctrlect 

Ocnnis Taylor. 

New Judge To Fi^it 

Henderson. K 

I knew K - 
j table drn;^- ; 
FigiiUilc ,,f .Ttieient tor. 
1. 4 — In 'I's I I.\ dia 

manv ren'tr 

.f ^re- 

later. I 

;!! i'..^pital. I.exli|L;ton. tid- 
f-.r the removal l er toe 

daughter, Mrs. A!. C , , , . - , v.. ,. ^ .,, , - 

fg. ' !*"^ ""•^''.IC''* *"""P'2 Mrs. rharjje to the Kraud jurv. |u.1j?p ' v. ;o s a-.. . 

)» Enpenia Fid t. niady>:|" \- <''i'>»'n. IM/ ( '.lle-^e ave..!T^. R. Himt said if reports' were \ -,;e( -1.1- « ' 
•Kee anil I".l( rin- l.nckley re 'i' "'h-. N\ wites : "l-'oley^ ! leiuicro ,11 v. a- lioneve. .nih- i-.<.v . . ' ' 

-ned to St. .\:^aih.' - \ca«lemy I ar has never failed ed with bootleggers and gamblers \\;xv\ ^ \\ : . ... e ; > 

\\iiK!u >ter after >pen lintr ihe JT^ving 4nnnedinte relief and I j am! that chicken fighting was lie- i-^ a w"!!:!!' .; ine.i e i f .r w..- 
lidavs at home. ij*.'" \ it!,..rt it Children ; tng tmlnlgcd in without molcsta-' man's r H ni . p'e[);ir«<! from 

!.Mi,s riorenee Lewis Tir., , - - ^ '•^'■<^ H- >ol(l e\ cry wli. ; v. p„ • , ;, ,v, , .• ' 1 pkmls. It 

irned from \\ inclie-iler w i; r.- j ■» 
fe spent her vacation wttfi Proi.i 
•jd Mrs. J. L". Lewi-. i»« 
Miss Bess Telford hi' returned 
» the College of Music. Cincin- 
liti after .spending: t' : Christ 
las ••.acation at home. 
.Mi - Katherine Vjillia'ns. of, 
le Kellogg CVi.. has ;|.i'ven roi^ni-. 
k ith .Mr." and .Mfs. 1. 11. We-t^ 
In 1 .ol -Main street ' 
Mi-;. I. .\. .\llen has returnelj 
|o h' r Ii->in<' in Le.viegloti 

de'ightfid visit^ with friends, 
iiid datives bert! ' 

>ii>-. I.e-'ii' Hnrle\. who h.a-; 
oecii : .ilie:U in tin ( ioml ."^a- 

|\\ e( V 

i'-'^^ doiniT nieely an.l will soo;i 
return hom« ' 
leorge Helibree and 




F. 6. YORK \ 

Corner Second and WaiMit 


Everybody is Cry!nc for Lower 


IMow Is Th» Time to Get Them 

Jiave retern.fd iromj 
lion ?iid^esum-j 
thjj lEastern , 

Big Job Lot of Ready To-Wear at Less Than Half Cost 

Tkis dissolution sale continues and you'll have to hurry to get the best 
bargaiiKk Nedmig finmiL Wc diui i^e you bw priees. COME fa and Try Us 

Mrs. B. ,E. Belue f4)|npany 

1 " 

lTi> Richmond BailyKj 



And Tomorrow 

T«* rittummm Mi Aiw Miii<l;ti; Mj^tf till 


When Yon Fed a '*Uftle Of* It 

Bring You 
To HenUli 


Lexinifton. K> .. Jan. 4 — In a 
latc-iiiviit i-Mif 1 I iic-(!a\ , Jainesi 
1 . Slt>i)c, ijre-iidcnt and general 
manager of the Burley Ifjbacoo 
( irowers' Co-operative M arte ti^ 
\->sot intron, said : 

i-. not gencrallv iiii(icr>lu<jL' 
are niijfhty lucky. Most that jnd.i^e R.jl»ert W. Binghair. 
ncfd :i fronA tonic once in cut icly financed through his 

Smim! ])e<>i)h' never need any 
ini-dicine at all. 'Ihoy arc. the 
'A*^**-''^' ">lr(:tu}i as a hull." 



a while. 1 liey take cohl. or thru new spaper.-;. The Courier-Journal 
overwork, or social activity do and The Ix>uisville Times, thf 
not j^ct eimugh sleep; many eat preliminary ori^'anization of thf 
improper fu»»fl and thus hurt the association. These newspapers 
linc^tion. It is mi^ty wise to out of their current funds paid to 
take Ci!ide"> I'tpto-Slaniran with the or.,'anization ctinimittee ali 
♦^he meals tor a tew weeks and liic m<iney required to sijjn up the 1 
nild up. One cannot liave too crr>p and tnchide more than SOyOOO 
limuci; i.'..od health. Pepto-Mani^:'.!i "growers in the soceity. 
,;!vc> you plenty of red hUiotl.' "One of the greatest {actor:> in 
and everybody knows that red addition to the money fomished 
Mood mca!i> feeling g"oo(l and I I'-.-c lu v— paper-, was the 


Angmoited Orchestra, Coodncted by Mr. R. Has- 
kinr. interpret the musical aMNk Miaa Joaa| 

For-yth, Soprano Soloist. 




Nights: 8:15 P. M. 

-58c 75c, $1, 

Matinees: 2:15 P. M. 
3Sc SOc 75c pfas tu 

'ookiiiif fjuod all the lime. Sold 
!>y druggists in liquid and tablet 
rni. — .Advertisement. 


Miss Stella West returned to 

\^^iK-lu--".t.r .M..!i'lay where she is 
.aiendiug college. 

Mr. Rodney Kal.ston lias re- 

• ' ■ ( io .r^fetown to take 
\\' his work in the college. 

.Miss Mahle Hall has returned 
io Paducah. after spendini^ tl '- 
■•(>li<lays uilh her par'.-nt^. Alias 
Mah'c is teaching there. ' 

.Mr. (ieor<;e T-xid spent the 
'ioliila\s with rclilivc- in ')!;•< 

\\ as 

hearty, active :i : ! continued 
support jfiven to '.]..^ movement in 
the m-vvs and i'l;to:ial columns. 

•■ Thi- help came ^o tlte farmers 
of Kentucks at a critical time and 
a v,'reat service has been rendered 
li\ !n Il'iitrham and his news- 





III mmufi pijii 

\\ a-liin<^ton. Jan.^4 — Co-opera- 

liw inrirketintf of farm i)n»<kict'; 

part of 

.vil con-tilute a <let'niitc 

l ius War i a x 


.Mi/s Kmma KsiridKc retunud the pn jrram for the .\ationaI .V'- 





fi!nil of *e> • r.i' mi'lion 


Firm Leases 
Lyman Parrish Stable 

The kicluiiond I'ro-lnce i-i; 
pany vhich opened i»ffices on 
l ir^' treet several months 
ha>. n;'.»\ed ii'iu Ihc oM l.\nian 
Parrisi ^ .iMc a? the corner of 
lr\ .. . j -iri-et-. The 

\oi;!!g :m.h Lounci le ! \\i;h t!ii- to In *!oa':r<i without interest and 
C'tablishtMent h:iM l.nilt up a'!- only a man's j;oo<I -land-" 
splenui'l 1 ;;- : ' - . • ' • i;- li.'intf j- N'm rican 1 .e-^ion as 

that tiK; ucM i-riii.liiai. ■ ' \ _ . \...rid war \i ieraus 

room. I'ei idc"! to take : ii- ■ tna, I'C in te'nporar* need- 

with a d'M.r -j.-acc ll. '.l woi;Iil ac- , h».c;t!i>e of ('i^ahilit.. . illnc--' and 
coninu"!.' ! ' ■'<■■: •:.••( n ,1,,;^ .liter "-. ' r- ■ 1; t -lunt or otli- 

iness. : ( ; nl . - r- ioii uf er c;.!>. - j la i 1, i )•} Xatioual 
the l>uii.!in- la-t uevk an 1 have'( ommamk-r Sanford MacXi !er; 
fitted up a -pien";i<l «.!in.- :v ' u„'—\ aniiouncd thi l.«-i:ion| 

ware ro(»ni. and inv;t'- tiieir m.i n ice jn-ot^ram ior tlic coming, 
ny friends to visii tliem m their! ) ear. j 
new «|uartcrs. ; Mr. MarX'id' r would crrn'e 

' i hi^ fun«l lt_\ a |M»ol of adjusted 
"""""" comiK-n-atiou allotments of vet-l 

i ran-« \\ h" t* <'l i!.<\ can spare- 
till 11 -c- ' I the money which i 
licomc ii> tin 111 inider the term 
ijof the federal adjustd compen 
sation hill, which tl'<- I e^ioi 
|i leader as-crts is certain of pas- 





Be Eased Quickly 

Dr. Kin^'r; New Pi>: i)'. ' ry v.ill ric 
that A-CT thinji. c.isily ! q^a klv. 
Don't say, "I'(x)r little H<l<!ii-, 1 v 
I knew v.-^.ii 1" il ' vmi" 
Ihet lu^h hr.-t nwm s. give a lit'b Dr. 
K:n;;'3 ."Si'w Di:x <ai ry as dinctcd, and 
il will ^>oon be ea^cd. 

It's a Rood family rough ar<! co!«' 
rcnictl;. , i')o. I <K>scn5 up ihc ic.^'^-. 
ticars up t'lo courH, relie^'es tl'*.- tor 
p -Jtion. .\o I).ir:ii!ul 'irt!.;-. iOrl.i'.y I 
M .!rs a standard r< ir.edy for eolilc, 
coughs, grippe. At year dnigsists, 
fytr. a ix)itlc. 

\i> I.f»_ifan. \V. \'a., to resume 
• .ichiiij; in the public schools in 
ilu'.t city. 

Miss F.thel Estridge. who h-ts 
hccu speinhnt^ the holiday - 
. I c n a ' returned to her schoi>l 

i in I .anca-ter. 

j .Mr. a?id .Mrs. Koy Kstridpe 
I ent»-rtaine<l at cards Thf.rsdny 
j eveninjf. I lmse invitt I were 


ricultural t'onfereace tv» be cai 
I \ ^> , - , tary of .vsjriculturc 11 
. ' . \ . allace. and probably to 
heltl in \\ ashini^ton. January 
it wa- made known tuday. 

I l)is •lia--e ot ihe contcreiu e 
projfram was discussed with .Mi. 
W allace on Tuesday l>y ( liftDji 
tvi«les «'f Hurgin. Ky.. who ha.s 
l>cen assfR-iated with the bnrlev 

i)r. and .Mrs. Patrick. Dr. and ^•^-I'l'^-'-'^tiy^ uuucment in Ken 
'!". fl. Smit'i. Mr. and Mr- 

Dr. King'f 

New Discovery 

For Colds and Coughs 


i K. J. Walker. .Mr. and Mrs. if 
\>'oo<ls and .Mr. and Mr-. 

i !la; ry l" -;.;). 

' -Mr. (ie<ir}4'- - - lioii-r l-r 
d di'.wn .Monday morning. .Mi. 
..Of rented his (arm last year 
'•n 1 went to the mountain- I r 
jhis wife's liealth. They had re- 
•■-irned and were preparin-r 1" 
:••<•■.••• in. Ihe lire i* saJd to liav 
: i:.t:iu tri;m the i^rate. .Mr. .Nor"- 
1-ome was a neat, new bung.ilov. 
: M(! wa« situated on the Beren 

:,d.<- » 

i"UK— KtM<iuice on tv- 
aiisd^; avenue; 2 acres of Ian* 
Kor Iforma'ioo, see |aine-> Ca' 


power abd cai»" 

See service in 


He's back home m^n^rs eajf 
on the job. If ycu tc a 
•ale ao4 

[jsagc by the pre.sent Congress. | 

Constipated? Herc'sReHef?(''<an«; 

liic syhtrni, ui'M Dr. Kind's Pills, 
'i licv prompt true ImI-- fio", stir h\t 
the lazy li\-er and get si the ruul of the 
trouble. All druggists, 25c. 

r. Kind s Fills 

W AN ri .D - A -ood cc.ok : si-r- 
■ i \ants r(M>m in the lu»u-'-. IMione 
Mrs. L. P. E\-ans. No. 25.1. 2 2t 

I WANT ED — Experienced girl 
■ or woman for housework. Ap- 
I ply incrnings. Mrs. H. B. Forbes 
; im W. MiAi. .309 f^i ' -thnoe ftl.l 

icky. ami who is now euj^^ajjed in 
^•mifar work in West Virginia. 

.Mr. Rode- al-o called on Prcsi- 
■ cut Warren (I. Harding, whose 
ncntif»n he called to the interest • 

;.( n hy t-irmers in ^ir. ' ! 
'.i.'i - tiec'il me-~a<ii.- to (.otii^res-. 

• In t! u iiie--a!.je Mr llardincf 
i'L rejranlinti t'lc aiL^ricu'tural 
M 'i.-n. that '"in the main the 

me i} i- believed to ie in di.*- 
diution aii'd marketing, every 

• « nce>tnai:ement shou'd he 
• i\ eii to tiie l i --operative mai kct- 

'' '''ojrr.n'is 

.\- a ' vhole. the ci-nferc 
ek to ascertain |>rcscnt 
II' depri -sion and then pri 
et up !>oIii it > !)y which 
•i\ V- il' he restored. 



Real Eslalc anci Livcslock 

Phwc 281 1 I RicnmoncI, Kv 

I Rl \ 

>-:.\\l. ft''- 

Karil Rn 
laun Farct It 01^ 

Orri «t» 

HI m k! s.«i.i-> %%n i.rm.K iMtm ii s 

, Uy Uu^r iMMr r«-»T iMrac ita*. ' I al||»r«-». 
i4*lfr: «! trtrr: «lri»iin«ntaMr rtaM.'<« Mrr r»<-4wrt 

n-,t I I iiH.iii ; • pr;«-r 

dst. r: Hir- fr i'« uioonsiit'tc rimx lire titrlAm 


Xnt'e J Mw«rd«, 

residence Bro:l 

tu thr tu 


rluu ( :ir: |iri<-t- 

|«lrr: i>H«e - 

[ Triirli; •■. jfli ulnlr hoil.* 
rvt mi h'trti tmutittts N» 
thr -rrn at my K«rax«- « 
|t»MMl<>rr«l iMnCNtoa In 
trr CvrA MM-okl4 

.*iorf ill 
|Jiin r I iiIm I 'J.!)!: I 

I ir* r !«■ In !• T 'I il 'm' 

I 'I ri( r II !•«• 
llulM * ra« br iM-rM al i| 
»tnr|-ro«ai mm towra. 

> i Sit»riirl i I I ri «l« IrlH I I ri H I »<'• 

The Peoples Bank 


1.1 .III- . 


Hankin^r 1 louse and Lot 

h'urnitur*' and I'ixtures 

I.'. l{«»uds (market value) 
(.'ash in Vault and 




... 2,-WU.OO 

Due from Banks 5Gm).40 Bills Payable 

' 9281^.42 

We n;.'d.. rn) (.arne-t etTort to accomniudalc all classes, 
every re-jiect the reoplc* Bank. 

capital Slock j^M^'iL^tk $ J6^.(X)* 

.Snrplus l-mul -29,<K)0.()') 
I'ndividei^Prollts %7.^>1 

hep.. -it- 1V7.2' 

lJue liani^s 7i)7..^1 

^ .laooojoo 

Our aim is to make this in 

' ahove statement i- i>ne made jK>ssi|iIe , i>_\ the lihrral patronage of those of moder- 
ate lueaii^ and tiiA>se more favorably situated. VVc wi>h t<» tliank each of you and tu wish 

\ oil 

a ]>ruspcrousl9en- Year. 



16 Buildiiig , Lots 

on Edwards Avenue 

1 Saturday, January 

I At 2 O'clock P.jM. 

j These Ids ar^ 50 x 150 fecu rlcj^e Io'L. & N. DW)f 
j and would make you a splendid place to bt/^ 
j home. Tr ims — 1-2 down; Denfeinderj?^ 
months later. ^ 

J. M. Sf "~